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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Emilia Argentine Singer Songwriter Ascending To Stardom

Emilia: Argentine Singer-Songwriter Ascending to Stardom

Rising Star Honored at Billboard Latin Women In Music

María Emilia Mernes Rueda, known mononymously as Emilia, is an Argentine singer-songwriter, model, and actress who has been making waves in the music industry.

Born in Argentina on October 29, 1996, Emilia began her career as the lead vocalist of the Uruguayan cumbia pop band Rombai. Since then, she has embarked on a successful solo career, releasing several hit songs and amassing millions of followers on social media.

Emilia's music transcends borders, capturing the attention of audiences across continents. Her unique blend of pop, Latin, and reggaeton has earned her widespread acclaim. She has collaborated with renowned artists such as Sean Paul and Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike.

In recognition of her outstanding achievements, Emilia will be honored as the Rising Star at the Billboard Latin Women In Music gala. This prestigious event celebrates female leaders in the Latin music industry and serves as a testament to Emilia's meteoric rise to stardom.
